May 30

Just a quick update. I had another ultrasound this week. All was well. The baby is about 2 lbs, 4 oz already and growing well. No issues with my blood pressure, which is great. I go back for another ultrasound the same day I go for the fetal echo – June 16.

The only craziness was the new system they put in. The perinatal clinic moved to a new building (next door) and put in this system like a restaurant where you give your name and they give you a coaster that will beep when it’s your turn. Too bad the crazy lady at the front doesn’t know how to use them. She gave me a coaster, but didn’t check me in! It took an hour before I clued in that something was horribly wrong and that when I asked the crazy lady about it, she just kept telling me there was a long wait. She never even checked! How do people like that keep their jobs?

Anyway, the appointment itself went well. Next week is my gestational diabetes screen and my appointment with my OB. Then a wonderful weekend off in Canmore!