May 7

Another good week. I’m exhausted – work was very busy, but all in all, it went well.

I had my ultrasound at the perinatal clinic on Monday. That went well – nothing exciting. Baby is growing well and everything looked good to them. I also had my regular OB appointment today, although it ended up being with one of the other doctors in the practice. I actually saw the doctor that delivered Ben, so that was kind of cool. Again, everything went well. My weight is up more than I’d like, but I’ve been eating terribly this week (lots of catered lunches). Hopefully I can get back on track now. My blood pressure was good, if on the low side a bit. But I’ve eaten since then, so it should be back to normal now. I’m measuring slightly big (I’m measuring 25 weeks and I’m just shy), but well within range. Baby’s heartbeat was 149 beats per minute – just perfect. Next appointment is another perinatal ultrasound at the end of May, then I go back to the OB on June 4.

Ben had another soccer game this week. He’s supposed to go twice a week, but that crazy snow storm meant that the game was cancelled again. His game on Monday was good though. Ben played goal – and was awesome! He stopped a ton of shots, just like a pro. It’s still the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Hopefully we get to play both games next week.

I think that’s about it for news… To all the family members heading of to Vegas, have an awesome time!